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The Evel Knievel™ Collection

At eight years old, Bobby Craig Knievel attended a Joie Chitwood Auto Daredevil Show. The American race car driver and daredevil inspired Knievel to race his bicycle around the grisly, mining-scarred town of Butte, Montana.

His passion for motorcycles led to the debut of ‘Evel Knievel and his Motorcycle Daredevils’ was on January 23, 1966, at the National Date Festival in Indio, California. Evel performed wheelies, crashed through plywood firewalls and jumped over two pick-up trucks. The show was a huge success. 

New Year’s Eve 1967 was first of his most famous stunts at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, a 141ft motorcycle jump over the hotel’s iconic fountain. It did not go as planned, with Knievel crashing upon landing. He suffered severe injuries but the televised crash brought Knievel’s fame to a whole new level.

Our Evel Knievel™ Collection is inspired by his legacy, a symbol of bravery and adventure.

2 products

'The Showman' Legacy Crewneck Tee

'The Showman' Legacy Crewneck Tee

'Original Daredevil' Biker Long Sleeve Crew

'Original Daredevil' Biker Long Sleeve Crew

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